Thursday, January 22, 2009

Okay so tonight was my first night drinking on the ship.. and I loved it! The drinks are miniscule but whatever, we all worked around it and socialized and had a great time… I got an email from Becca which pretty much just made my life. I wanna go to sleeeeeep cuz I have school tomorrow but I love you all. Goodnight.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hi Jillian!!!
I am SO EXCITED to read your blog! It's so fun to experience this right along with you. Your Mom and Dad just got back into the old USofA, and sent me the link to your page. Wow! Your Semester at Sea page has a satellite map and you can see the ocean. I even tried to find your ship cruising along in the Atlantic! lol! I'm curious to know what time you are on compared to us. I know the East coast is 3 hours earlier. Can't wait to hear about your teachers, and especially your 1st day off the ship and onto your adventure in Spain! Hopefully by the time you arrive, you and your friends will have adjusted to the roly poly waves and you'll have met some special friends. Have a fantastic time! Love you SO MUCH!
Aunt Kathy :)