Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bon Voyage!

Jan 19
Boarded the ship! Said bye to mom and dad.. unfortunately I couldn’t spot my mom’s pink shirt when our ship was taking off. Caroline and I have settled into our room. Watching the land fade into the distance was very surreal. We watched our first sunset and the flying fish going in and out of the water. I’m meeting people everywhere I go and I’m so excited to make some amazing friends. I’m very happy to have Hannah and Caroline with me though.
I’m so tired right now but I’ve still got a long night ahead of me, lots of meetings and stuff. We did our lifeboat drill. Good times. Me and Caroline were the only ones who wore hats like we were instructed to do so and in turn looked like men.
Had our first dinner together with this guy Riley. Talked about Bear Gryllz a lot haha.
Tomorrow will be another full day of meetings and orientations and blablabla. But I am very excited to finally be here! I really like our room and I know this is going to be everything I have expected it to be.

Jan 20
Lots of orientation meetings today. We really enjoyed watching a guy’s head bobbing from falling asleep the whole time. The room is really cold and we are really tired so sometimes my eyes shut a little bit as well. The weather is great today and we tanned for awhile.
It feels like freshman year all over again with all of the repetitive introductions and conversations, and it’s all a little uncomfortable. I want to be past this part and just be friends with everyone! I’m looking forward to starting classes so it can be a little more of a normal schedule rather than wandering around aimlessly and continually sitting with random people so I can try and meet my friend soulmates that are somewhere on this ship. Till then though I’m chillin with Hannah and Caroline and Lexi, which is superb all in itself.

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