Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jan 24
I’m about to head to my Vicarious Voyage meeting. I’m excited to find out what age group I’ll be in contact with and how to get the ball rolling on that. And I’m joining Newspaper Writing Club, not sure what that will be all about but we will see.
Today was a nice day, Caroline and I slept until 11:30 am. oops. Neither of us slept at all last night so we didn’t feel guilty. Caroline was doing all sorts of weird talking in her sleep and then her knees locked up on her and she went around the room hopping saying “ow ow ow ow ow ow.” I thought she was sleepwalking though so I just rolled with it.
The clocks switch again tonight so I’m going to try and get to bed by 11, or 12 since the clocks switch. So much to do, so little time to sleep. At least today wasn’t as long as the days usually are. I’m just not used to getting up this early. But hey, on the way back the clocks will move backward and that will be sweet sweet justice. Apparently sometime after we cross the equator we lose an entire day. Like… the day just doesn’t exist. Craaaaazy haha. They have slowed the boat down because they don’t want us to get to Spain early and lose a day of classes. We don’t really appreciate that.
I watched my first sunset tonight. I know, hard to believe. It was gorgeous. We sat at a table with a bunch of people we have met and I got some amazing pictures. More people saw whales today! I’m really jealous.
Gearing up for that first night in Spain… very excited! The weather should start getting chillier now.

1 comment:

Jan Anthony said...

Hi Jilly,
can you post a pic of the sunset for us? Try to get some sleep when you can so you'll have enough energy to keep up for the entire 108 days.

Love and miss you! It's cold and rainy here in LA.

Love you!! Momma and Aunt Kathy :)