Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jan 20 cont
Tomorrow begins first day of classes. We all watched the inauguration today and it was a little bit emotional, especially considering where I am right now and what I am doing. Obama had some great things to say and he has more challenges and expectations on him than any president yet. We’ll see if he lives up to his words. Tonight we had a little inauguration party with desserts and cake and little champagne flutes. And fresh fruit! But I missed out on all of the grapes and was pretty bummed out. I made some more friends during dinner and then played a bunch of card games with some people Taylor knows. It will get easier every day and soon I’ll be best friends with everyone.
We have to sign up for a time slot to use the gym since there are 1000 people and like ten machines, so I signed up for tomorrow. Hannah and Caroline and I are going to try to work out a time we can all go every day. Doing the elliptical while constantly swaying will be a challenge though. We are walking around like we’re drunk 24/7. It’s a good time though and definitely a different experience, but I’m sure I’ll be ready to get off the boat once I’m in Spain.
I’ve been a little seasick but not too bad. It actually hits me worst when I get on the computer, so I’m gonna get off soon. Some people have it really bad… one girl threw up in the main room in front of everyone, poor girl.
Alright I’m off to bed because the clocks move forward one hour pretty much every night from now on and I have class every day at 9:20 am. Maybe this trip will make an early riser out of me…… or maybe I will sleep through class.

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