Monday, February 9, 2009

Jan 9
       Today is Neptune Day!!! The day we cross the equator. Unfortunately the REAL day we cross the equator is tomorrow, but who cares I guess. All sorts of activities were had today. We were all awoken at 8 am by King Neptune and his gang of shellbacks parading through the halls with drums and whistles and banging on our door then threatening us with cellophane spears. The pollywogs all assembled on the seventh deck to pay respect to King Neptune through initiation. We all got in our bathing suits and went through initiation, which includes having fish guts poured on our heads, kissing the king’s ring and bowing to the queen, and jumping into the pool. And then…shaving our heads.
       I SHAVED MY HEAD!!!! I can’t wait to show you guys pictures!!! It is crazy and insane but I did it and it feels very freeing!!! AHHHHH! There were about 15 girls that shaved their heads and we are all bald and beautiful.
       And the entire rest of the day was spent suntanning and I made sure to block up my newly bald head. Everyone who had hair longer than eight inches and decided to either cut it short or shave it could donate their hair, and that’s what I did.


Jan Anthony said...


Amy AngloAmerican said...

There is NO way that you pulled a Britney!