Friday, February 13, 2009

Feb 13
       Oh my gooooood. I am so ill and so ready to be in Namibia. This stretch went by much more slowly for me than the last stretch did. But now we are finally in Africa! It is going to be three days of extreme sports for me. Tomorrow I am going sandboarding with a bunch of friends, kind of like snowboarding in the giant sand dunes. The next day I am doing something very fun, but also very secret. I’ll tell you after. And the third day I am probably going to try to go kayaking around the bay before heading back on the ship for our one day trek to South Africa. I decided not to go shark diving in South Africa because the day I was going to do it will be the only day I can spend in Cape Town. It definitely would have been something awesome and exciting and I was all signed up, but I feel that day could be used in a more culturally fulfilling way. The next three days I am going on a safari! And the last day I am in South Africa I will be visiting a township all day. I know Africa is going to be a very special and exciting experience. And they speak English. Sweet.
       In Namibia I will be staying in a house in a town called Swakopmund with about 7 people. It’s $100 a night haha. Swakopmund is a heavily German town, as is a large section of Namibia. The town has a brewery in it, so I assume I will be getting into some mischief as well. Actually I also heard that some people have rented out a row of houses and are throwing…a kegger! How college. I didn’t think I would be experiencing a kegger on this voyage haha.
       I aced all three quizzes I had this week. This semester should be a breeze.
       Last night we hit up pub night and played Thumper for about a solid hour. And it really did take that whole hour for it to get old. Tonight we are all going to watch Wall-E and this season’s episodes of The Office! They are playing them in the Union. We also have our logistical preport where they tell us all the stuff to watch out for and blabla.
       I’m going to try to get to bed early tonight as I know it’s the most sleep I’ll have in awhile and my head feels like it’s dying and I am exhausted despite having slept till 11:30 this morning.
       My group of friends and I exchanged Secret Valentine’s.. and Hannah got me. Thank God.
       Just finished watching two episodes of The Office. And now I’m heading to bed. Early morning manana.

1 comment:

mike said...

Why on earth would you want to visit a township all day? Cape Town has far better things to do.

Your will drive around in your fancy air conditioned buses gawking out the windows at the poor living conditions as if they were animals in a zoo.