Monday, February 2, 2009

Jan 2
        Here we are. On the ship. Still. We refueled sometime in the wee hours last night, but weather is rough and we won’t be into Morocco until this evening, and we can’t disembark until tomorrow. Bummer, especially for people who had trips booked. In the large scheme of things this is one of the few ports where I would be okay with this happening, so I’m rather lucky and today will be a pretty fun day.
        We watched the superbowl last night. There are some very diehard fans including sexy Les, our dean, who rooted for Pittsburgh. The first feed we got was an American feed and it was pretty fuzzy, so they switched it over to a German feed which was much better picture quality but also really funny because it was in German. And no American commercials, which was the big draw for me, so I pieced out when it was about half over.
        We played Apples to Apples for hours last night, but we switched it up and all wrote down our own words every round to be judged. It was pretty hilarious. Tonight there is an open mic and Greg and I will be doing a very special performance… I will post it later… be excited.

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