Saturday, March 14, 2009

I’m so behind on my blog. It is just taxing to write, it was a huge port and I want to do it justice but I have been really busy the last five days. I have really enjoyed myself on this stretch of the trip. It’s actually been really fun on the ship! Greg and I performed at karaoke night… we had practiced to do “I’m Real” by J Lo and Ja Rule, so we showed up in our ghetto duds, me with my LA earrings in of course, he with his SAS boxers hanging out and his Jewish star bling, and the song wasn’t a duet. So we improvised and did “I Will Survive” and it was a huge hit and we are on ship celebrities. Seriously. A girl came up to me the other day and asked me to MC the end of the semester auction because “you’re, like, really popular.” Awesome.

We played Egyptian ratscrew one night but we added a fun twist in… you have to slap your forehead before slapping the pile. Highly enjoyable. Noteworthy. Caroline had a bump on her head the next day.

Every night there is a jam session in the piano lounge and tonight I went up and sang with them because I have wanted to for the longest time, and now I think I will make that a regular habit.

Last night was Halloween-themed pub night. It was probably the craziest and most enjoyable night I have had on the ship so far, definitely the most fun pub night. Smith and I dressed up as touristy newlyweds from Kansas, touring the world with our baby after a shotgun wedding. La familia Scarborough. He has this hilarious shirt with a baby in a carrier on it, so he wore that, sunscreen on his nose, high shorts, a fanny pack, and combed his hair down. I wore a button down shirt, a cardigan over my shoulders, very high shorts, high socks, keds, and a money purse. We looked hilarious, we were a huge hit. They actually had music set up for us last night at pub night for the first time, so we danced the night away and got pleasantly tipsy. My tolerance level sure has gone down. But that’s a good thing!
Tomorrow… THAILAND!!! I am on the best trip, exotic beaches, beautiful temples, canoeing, lounging, delicious food, and then partying in Bangkok. I fully expect this to be one of my favorite ports. We’ll see…

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