Thursday, February 12, 2009

Feb 12
       Today I am feeling very sick and sad.


Jan Anthony said...

Hi baby,
I am sorry you are feeling so sad and sick. But take it easy, you have been at sea for a week and it is hard to stay up all the time plus you might be exhausted Jillian. Try to get some light walking in and a nice hot shower and go to bed for the day. Just STOP! REST! Drink lots of water. Could you be dehydrated also? You will be in port soon and you will need to be rested honey. I wish I was there to take care of you baby! I love you! Happy Valentines Day baby! xox
Feel better soon. momma

Kathy said...

A corny joke to cheer you with some cruise ship humor:
There was this magician who had a job on a cruise liner, entertaining the passengers with a nightly show. He was very successful in his job and there was always a full house at all his performances. Life was sweet. The money was rolling in, he had one of the best cabins, ate the best food, mixed with the best people. All was fine until one day the captain bought a parrot.
The highlight of the parrot's day was going along to see the magician in action in the evening. During the magician's performances, the parrot would watch him very carefully during each trick, and immediately after the magician had completed the trick the parrot would call out in a loud squark, " It's up his sleeve, it's up his sleeve," or, " It's down his trousers, it's down his trousers," each time ruining the magician's trick.
Well life was no longer as sweet and the magician started to struggle to satisfy the passengers. The magician naturally got very tired of the parrot and longed to kill it.
Then one night in the middle of the magician's performances, the ship hit an iceberg and sank. Everyone was killed except for the magician and the parrot. The magician managed to swim to a piece of wreckage, climbed aboard and collapsed. The parrot flew towards the magician and perched on the edge of the raft and stared at the magician.
For a whole day the magician was unconscious, and all this time the parrot did not take his eyes off him. Eventually the magician started to stir, and looked up not really knowing where he was or what had happened. He eventually found enough energy to sit up. He then noticed the parrot, who had not stopped focusing his eyes on him all this time.
"All right I give up..." chirped the parrot, ". What have you done with the ship?"
Feel better Jill! Love ya!

Kathy said...

For YOU, hope you're feeling better!

From a passenger cruise ship, everyone can see a bearded man on a small island who is shouting and desperately waving his hands. "Who is it?" a passenger asks the captain. The cruise ship captain replied, "I've no idea. Every year when we pass, he goes nuts."

And one more:
Top Ten of Silliest Questions asked on a Cruise Ship

by Paul Grayson, Cruise Director for the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line's

Do these steps go up or down?
What do you do with the beautiful ice carvings after they melt?
Which elevator do I take to get to the front of the ship?
Does the crew sleep on the ship?
Is this island completely surrounded by water?
Does the ship make its own electricity?
Is it salt water in the toilets?
What elevation are we at?
There's a photographer on board who takes photos and displays them the next day ... the question asked ... If the pictures aren't marked, how will I know which ones are mine?
What time is the Midnight Buffet being served?

I know this doesn't beat watching "Madagasqar 2" but hope it gives you a smile. :) Hugs!